Program topics
A non-limitative list of topics includes the application of Raman spectroscopy in the fields of art, art-history, history, archaeology, conservation and restoration, museology and others.
- Material characterization and degradation processes (pigments, inks, plastic materials, photographic materials, gemstones, stones, precious stones, glass, ceramics, contemporary materials etc.)
- Conservation issues affecting cultural heritage (decaying, corrosion, etc.)
- Raman spectroscopy of biological and organic materials (resins, fibres, ancient organic compounds, etc.)
- Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (dyes, organic pigments, etc.)
- Chemometrics in Raman spectroscopy
- Development of Raman techniques
- New Raman instrumentation and applications in cultural heritage objects investigations
- Raman spectroscopy in paleontology, paleoenvironment and archeology
- Forensic applications in art and archaeology (e.g. forensic archeology, authentications procedures)
- Other topics