

Book of Abstracts (pdf file) can be downloaded from here.


RAA 2015 participants should submit their abstracts via the on-line registration system, for approval by the Scientific Committee. Abstracts should be sent before May 8, 2015. Those received after this deadline will not be considered. The author(s) presenting the abstracts must register and pay the registration fee by June 30, 2015, in order for the abstracts to be included in the RAA 2015 Conference programme and Book of Abstracts.
The Scientific Committee will decide whether the abstracts are accepted, and in which form they will be presented (as oral presentation or poster). The author’s preference, as indicated on the entry form, will be considered, but the Scientific Committee reserves the right to final decision. The authors will be notified by email whether their abstract had been accepted no later than May 12, 2015.
The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of and consent to the content of the abstract before submission. The abstracts must be original and must not be or have been published or presented prior to the RAA 2015 conference. They must be submitted in English, exclusively via the on-line system of the RAA 2015 web page. Any other means of submission will not be accepted.

By submitting an abstract, the author explicitly expresses consent for the abstract to be published in the official RAA 2015 conference publication – online and in a printed book with an ISBN number. 

RAA participants are invited to send one or two extended abstracts, which should be sent as a Microsoft Word file (format *.doc, .docx). The text should not exceed 2 pages of A4 format - title, authors, affiliations, and figures (max 2) included. When submitting, please indicate your preference for the type of abstract’s presentation (oral presentation or poster). Oral abstract presentations will be limited to 15 minutes time plus 5 minutes for discussion. Once at the congress, all electronic material (presentations in .ppt, .pptx format) should be delivered to the designated download point at least in the morning before the start of the sessions (before your abstract presentation).


For the most convenient preparation of an Abstract, a template document was prepared by the organizers, and can be found here.

Before submitting, the following must be prepared:
Topics. Abstracts should address a specific topic, which is supposed to be selected from the topics list. To preview the topics list please see Topics.
Title. Limited to 200 characters, including spaces. Arial, 14 pt. bold, centered, in lowercase should be used as the default font. Please, leave a blank line after the title.
Authors. Full given names and surnames. The name of the presenting author should be underlined. The name of the corresponding author should be maked with *. Arial, centered, 12 pt. bold, in lowercase should be used as the default font. Please, leave a blank line after the authors.
Organization. The authors should provide full organization or institute name, postal address (street, postcode and country) and contact details (telephone number, email address). If there are several authors from different organizations, each organization name and postal address should be provided in the new line with index number at the beginning. Arial, left alignment, 11 pt., in lowercase should be used as the default font. Please, leave two blank lines after the organization details.
Keywords: Arial, left alignment, 11 pt.
Text Content. The abstracts should not exceed 2 A4 pages (6700 characters with spaces). All pictures, diagrams and tables should be included in the text. It must not contain more than two figures/tables in black and white. Arial, 11 pt. should be used as the default font. Single line spacing, justified. The content should clearly state background and objectives, methods used, results, conclusions and keywords.
Figures. No more than two figures/ tables in black and white. The caption should be put under the figure in Arial, 10 pt.
Black and white and colour photos – 300 dpi
a.) References should be cited by superior numbers (in the text) and listed at the end of the paper in the order in which they appear in the text. Arial 10 pt., single line spacing should be used as the default font.
See the examples:
References (Arial, 11 pt bold)
(Arial, 10 pt )
[1] P. Vandenabeele, L. Moens, H.G.M. Edwards, R. Dams, J. Raman Spectrosc. 2000, 31, 509. (example for Journals)
[2] B. Guineau, V. Guichard, ICOM Committe for Conservation: 8th Triennial Meeting, Sydney, Australia, 6-11 September, 1987, Preprints, vol. 2. The Getty Conservation Institute: Mrina del Rey, CA, 1987, p. 659. (example for Symposiums)
[3] H. Schweppe, H. Roosen-Runge, Artists’ Pigments. A handbook of their History and Characteristics, vol. 1 Oxford University Press: New York, 1996, p. 255. (example for Books)
If necessary, should be placed after the text content. See the example:
Acknowledgements (Arial, 11 pt bold)
This work has been financially supported by …

Once you have submitted your abstract via the on-line form, you should receive a formal confirmation by e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation within one week, or for any further information related to the abstract submission, please contact us.