Dear Sponsor/Exhibitor,

You are cordially invited to be a Sponsor at the 8th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archeology in Wrocław (RAA2015)

We expect highly qualified participants from academic, museology, conservation and restoration laboratories and also government research institutions to attend the conference. There will be an outstanding scientific program including plenary lectures by invited speakers, and a wide range of oral presentations (from a review of contributed abstracts) and poster presentations.

Our sponsors and exhibitors will have the opportunity to interact face-to-face with customers and to build brand awareness in the field, enhance relationships with existing customers and meet new ones, demonstrate new products.

To increase your company's visibility at the conference, we invite you to take advantage of one of the many sponsorship opportunities outlined below. These high profile events and items will showcase your company prominently not only throughout the duration of the RAA2015 but also throughout the following years.

SPONSORSHIP LEVELS (Sponsorship Levels determine the specific range of benefits):

  • Platinum Level Sponsor
  • Gold Level Sponsor
  • Silver Level Sponsor


  • Social Events Sponsorship: Conference Lunches; Coffee & Refreshment Breaks; Conference Dinner, etc.
  • Scientific Program Sponsorship: The Best Poster Competition; Plenary Lecture Sessions
  • Special Conference Sponsorships Options: Conference Bags, Conference Name Badges, Conference T-shirts and other conference gadgets (pens, pencils, notebooks, etc.)
  • Commercial Opportunities: Advertisement in the Book of Abstract (1 page), your company banner/roll-up displayed during the conference.

For further information and details, please do not hesitate to communicate with us (please, contact dr Barbara Łydżba-Kopczyńska – chairman, email:
Detailed benefits of sponsors are described in the attached Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities brochure.