
Payment method
Registration fee must be made by direct bank deposit / transfer (Please, DO NOT mail cheques) to *:

Bank name: BZ WBK I Oddz/Wroclaw
Bank address: Wrocław, Rynek 9/11
Bank account number (IBAN): PL 07 1090 2398 0000 0001 1007 4280
Bank Account holder: University of Wrocław
Bank Account holder address: pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław
TAX NUMBER (VAT identification No.):  896-000-54-08
Payment title: Conference 32N/2015 RAA2015, Name & Surname


* Participants from Poland are requested to pay the conference registration fee in Polish currency: 
Nazwa i adres odbiorcy: Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wydział Chemii, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław
Nazwa banku: Bank Zachodni WBK IV oddz/Wrocław
Numer konta bankowego: 19 1090 2503 0000 0001 1010 3056
Tytuł przelewu:  Konferencja 32N/2015, RAA2015, Imię & Nazwisko
NIP:  896-000-54-08


Bank transfer may carry additional charges and these are not included in the registration fees. In order to easily identify your payment, please send us a copy of your confirmation of Bank transfer via email, fax or post (see contact details below). Please make sure your name and family name is clearly indicated as well as the mention of the RAA 2015. If payment is made for more than one person or by companies, please make sure all names are indicated.

RAA 2015 Office
dr Monika Czarnecka
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw
F. Joliot-Curie 14,
50-383 Wrocław, Poland

phone: (+48 71) 3757379

Please also note that in order to qualify for the Early Registration Fee, payment must be received by June 15th, 2015. Your registration will be valid only after the RAA 2015 Office verifies the amount transferred and confirms to you in writing.

Important: Invoices will be processed after the Congress.

All requests for refunds of registration must be received in writing via email, fax or post (see contact details above). All changes and cancellations are effective only after confirmed via email.

Refund of Registration Fees will be made as follows:
- Up to 60 days prior to arrival - full refund less bank charges
- Up to 30 days prior to arrival - cancellation charge of 50% of total amount
- Less than 30 days prior to arrival- no refund

- You may be replaced by another representative of your institution. If you wish to do this, please inform the RAA 2015 Office no later than 28 August 2015.
- Notification of cancellation should be made as soon as possible in order to make space available for others.

Important: All refunds will be processed after the Congress.

For accommodation information, please refer to our website at: Accommodation. The establishments listed on this page are within a walking distance of the Congress venue. Arrangements have been made for special rates for participants attending the Congress. However participants are requested to make their own reservations directly with the hotels using the booking forms provided.