New Deadline for the submission for Special Issue to RAA2015
We would like to inform you that we extended the deadline for submitting manuscripts for publication in a Special Issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopyuntil 31stof December. The online submission of full scientific paper is possible through the Manuscript Central address:
selecting the RAA2015 option for special issues, and then selecting "Juan Madariaga" or "Barbara Łydżba-Kopczyńska” as the review editor.
Accepted contributions will be published in a Special Issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, dedicated to RAA2015.
(full size picture here)
Special Issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopy - RAA2015
Works of high scientific quality focused on advancement and development in the field of Raman spectroscopy presented at the RAA 2015 conference could be submitted for publication in a Special Issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. It is expected that Raman spectroscopy is the main method (more than 50/70% experimental data) used in the contribution. The online submission of full scientific paper is already possible through the Manuscript Central address:
selecting the RAA2015 option for special issues, and then selecting "Juan Madariaga" or "Barbara Łydżba- Kopczyńska" as the review editor. The deadline for submitting manuscripts is the 20th of November, 2015.
Poster Session
We invite all authors to present their posters during the poster session
scheduled on Wednesday afternoon, 2nd of September from 16.10-18.00.
Poster session consists of two parts:
1. Short (2 min) oral presentations (main lecture room, from 16.10 to 17.00)
2. Poster discussion in poster hall from 17.00 to 18.00
Awards for Young Scientists
We are very pleased to announce that the RAA 2015 Scientific Committee will
select the best oral and poster contribution presented by a young scientist
(under age of 35). The award – scientific books will be sponsored by
ARCHMAT Summer School
We are honored to announce that the thesis presentation session for the
2014-2016 edition of the ARCHMAT Master
( ) will be held in Wroclaw, Poland
during the RAA 2015 8th International Congress on the Application of Raman
Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology. The Thesis Proposal session is scheduled
during the afternoon session on Friday, 4th of September.
We would like to inform you that we extended the deadline for submitting manuscripts for publication in a Special Issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopyuntil 31stof December. The online submission of full scientific paper is possible through the Manuscript Central address:
selecting the RAA2015 option for special issues, and then selecting "Juan Madariaga" or "Barbara Łydżba-Kopczyńska” as the review editor.
Accepted contributions will be published in a Special Issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, dedicated to RAA2015.
Platinum Sponsor:
Silver Sponsors: |
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We are glad to inform that 8th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archeology was involved as a celebrating event in the program of International Year of Light 2015 organized by UNESCO.
“An International Year of Light is a tremendous opportunity to ensure that international policymakers and stakeholders are made aware of the problem-solving potential of light technology. We now have a unique opportunity to raise global awareness of this”.
John Dudley, Chairman of the IYL 2015 Steering Committee
Click HERE for more infiormation
JRS will continue their support to RAA2015 congress
We are honored to announce that Journal of Raman Spectroscopy will continue their support to 8th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archeology through another special issue. Works of high scientific quality presented at the RAA 2015 are candidates for publication in a Special Issue of Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.
JRS will publish double Special Issue of RAA2013
We are pleased to inform that Journal of Raman Spectroscopy in regards to the quality level and the high number of accepted papers of manuscripts presented during past congress RAA2013 in Ljubljana decided to publish double special issue before the end of 2014.